The Carina is a relatively newly discovered wreck by Mr. Peter Collings. This is an 18th century ship in that there has been quite a bit of confusion about. One source states that this wreck is located on the northern side of Shag Rock at position 27° 47′ 45″ N, 33° 51′ 22″E which is indicated on the navigation charts for the area. Other sources state that the wreck was built on the River Tyne in the late 1890’s and is located “within sight” of the Thistlegorm. Either way, we will have to wait for more information on this ship.
Diving Information
This is the wreck is commonly referred to as the Carina located on the northern end of Shag Rock on an extension of Sha’ab Ali with . The wreck lies a 5-15 meters and is fairly broken up. The wreck lies on its starboard side and is said to have sank in 1926 (A ship that was built in the 1890’s was in service for 136 years?). The hull is made of iron, and boilers and the propeller can still be seen (so much for the 18th century shipwreck theory about this wreck). Age, date, and history aside, the wreck is a good place to make a third dive of the day, or a night dive. The wreck is covered with corals and there is plenty of aquatic life to be seen here.